Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Well, whatever ..

Read this piece somewhere ... don't remember exactly from where:

One of the major problems with life is that people have to live it. We are all traveling in a boat in the river called time. We are taught by our parents to build a boat. Then we travel to places, meet other people who are traveling in the same river. Sometimes we make friends with them and most of the times, we just mind our own business and row our boat. We all get tired at some point of time rowing all alone and then we decide we wanted some help. We wanted motivation to go ahead in life…

That is a funny word, motivation… We all need motivation to live… :) Like the journey of life itself is not motivating enough. We all forget the bigger picture so easily… We all are here for a reason we all loose the reason in the reasons that the world pours on us from the birth. Reasons why boy's should not cry, why girls should not climb trees, why we should not play, why we should learn, why we should marry someone our parents picks for us and so on… From birth to death, one listens to nothing but reasons of the world.

Time is a never ending river. I started at one point in life and I reached here. I will be going some place else and then one day I'd leave this world. I at times get upset cause I feel I never achieved anything in life. I am not using my life correctly. Deep inside if you ask yourself, your heart may also say the same thing…

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