Saturday, March 24, 2007

whining ..

That's what you do if you stay at office till late night very late night.

AND that is what is coming up in the next couple of paragraphs. Don't tell me later that I haven't warned you.

Irresponsibility: that is what makes me feel sick. These stupid incompetent people around you make YOU feel stupid. I mean, it's not 9-6 job anymore. You gotta make sure things will happen properly. That is your responsibilty. if you cannot understand it, leave the freaking job. Heck

And I, feel so stupid. I should be playing around with if, for, while, struct, union, class, objects...
What the hell I am doing???

You know, I feel so scared to explore new things, this fear of failure, that is what keeps me here, doing nothing.

I should change.

But I am so content thinking about the change, rather than bringing the change

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