Friday, August 07, 2009

No more cycling for another month :(

Well, that's what doc says :(

I hurt my right knee, a weekend off-road ride of about 60-65 KM proved little too much.

This is exactly what I am going through, and there is no medicine other than resting. Apparently.

Now, back to BMTC buses, and some good old P. G. Woodehouse P. G. Wodehouse books.

Any recommendations on good books that I should read? I get about 2 hours everyday in the bus to read.


Ashwini Vanmali said...

Good Lord!! Get Well Soon:)
Read Robin cooks novel....Ul love it if ur into medical thrillers:)

** Sri Harsha Maiya ** said...

Oh no, no thrillers n all :)

Some non-fiction would do ...

v said...

*I would love to see the expression an anyone's face when I say this*


The most hilarious and absurd and err... I donno.. strangest fiction I have ever read!

and you don't have to kill yourself to save the planet! :P take care.. get well soon!

** Sri Harsha Maiya ** said...

@Perplexed: ha ha, I had almost bought the novel, then decided against it :-)

May be i should give a try !!

v said...

want my copy?? I will gladly give it away!

maybe you should try it.. but you should assume yourself to be a 13 year old girl to truly enjoy the book and eventually you WILL fall in love with Edward Cullen if you do so :)